3637 Dust Commander Dr
Fairfield Twp, OH
7.00am - 5.30pm Mon - Thurs.
7:00am-5:00pm Fri.
Call Us Now
(513) 473-2474

Security Policy

Because of the times we live in, I have found it necessary to put a strict security policy into place. Of course my main reason for doing so is to keep YOUR children safe! Below are the policies effective IMMEDIATELY for all families conducting business at The Apple Orchard:

  • The door will be locked at all times.
  • Only one person may drop off or pick up your child.
  • We also ask that no siblings or other children enter the daycare.
  • This is a very hectic time and we try to make it as simple as possible for our families.
  • Each and every person will be required to sign in and sign out ~ no exceptions!
  • Those picking children up or bringing children to daycare MUST have their child(ren) within sight and sound AT ALL TIMES.
  • A door chime and camera are installed so we know who and when people are coming in and going out.
  • All parents or others dropping off or pick up your child must know their 4-digit PIN for the MyKidzDay app.

I realize that the above may add a bit of time to your drop off and pick up and for that I am sorry. However I am sure you will agree that keeping everyone safe is a priority and worth the extra minutes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to discuss them with me!