The Apple Orchard is so excited for the 2020-21 school year! This is our biggest year ever with our two classes; Sprouts is our younger class of 2’s and younger 3’s and our Twigs class is our older class of older 3’s, 4’s and 5’s. We will be using the Funshine Express curriculum as well as subscriptions from 123 Learn Curriculum, Teachers Pay Teachers, Little Sprouts Learning and Planning Playtime. We teach a balance of structured activities and center time along with open ended art and lots of hands on activities.
- Seedlings Preschool Group: Our little friends are learning on an informal level; learning through play and reading. This group is made up of our under 2’s kiddos and meets when our older friends are participating in their preschool classes.
- Sprouts Preschool Class: Our Sprouts class is our preschool class for our younger learners or for a child’s first preschool experience. This class meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. This class focuses on exposing the children to classroom materials such as crayons, markers, scissors and pencils. We focus on these children learning their colors and shapes and introduction of letters and numbers. This class uses a lot of hands on materials to learn these early skills.
- Twigs Preschool Class: Our Twigs class is our preschool class for our older children or children who are ready to move up to this level. This class meets on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. We focus on recognition of letters and numbers as well as being able to write our letters and numbers. We also work on letter sounds. We work on pre-reading skills such as sight words, rhyming words and syllables of words. We also ensure that the children in this class can write their first name. We work with our local school district to ensure that the children who graduate from The Apple Orchard are prepared for Kindergarten.
Extra curricular activities are offered at The Apple Orchard including soccer, music and gross motor programs. These activities are available at an additional cost and are optional for all children! We have a wonderful rotating schedule of seasonal activities for children of all ages!